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May 22, 2013

May's Featured Male Athlete: Cullen Teska

Name: Cullen TeskaHometown: La Crosse WisconsinAge: 25CrossFitting since: April 2012Favorite WOD or movement: I really enjoyed "Jeremy" - Overhead Squats, KB Swings and Turkish Get Ups are probably my favorite movements.Least favorite WOD or movement: Toes To Bar is my arch-enemy. Who even likes Burpees?What is your fitness background? What were you doing before CrossFit? I played football through college (NCAA D3) and after college, I worked out regularly at local YMCAs until joining Badger Crossfit.How did you get into CrossFit? I was introduced to another affiliate through a friend and got my butt kicked, I joined Badger because of proximity to my home and get my butt kicked on the daily there.How have you changed since starting Badger CrossFit? I have lost about 20lbs since joining (20 prior via the Y) but more importantly my core/back/stability has shot through the roof. The quick and great increase in overall core strength has made me stronger in all other areas. Overall, I feel more like an athlete than any other time in my life.What are your goals for 2013? Where are you in terms of achieving them? I would like to be at or under 200lbs as well as submit competitive Rx times.What makes Badger CrossFit unique? The people! It has a solid atmosphere of community and camaraderie, with a touch of Tosa.Any best BCF stories? Nothing too crazy- sharing a box for weighted step ups can be humorous...What advice do you have for people just getting started? Don't get discouraged! You will get stronger! Utilize the recording of times and reps as competitive fuel. Go to the same work out every time, you will get to know who you can compete with AND they will notice when you don't come- accountability!

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