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January 10, 2015

1/11 "Sunday"

Strength/Skill:Make up session - work on weakness, lift missed during the week, etc.WOD:Pullups, pushups, situps, squats

There is only today. Today we live and today we have to savor every second, every smile, every hug. Plan for the long run and never forget how much can be accomplished in just 5 years, but live in a shorter reality where we drain the life out of each day, understand that weeks lead to months and if we are thoughtful, we learn that a run of good weeks strung together lead up to a perfect year. The mistakes of the past, and the allure of the future, can combine to rob us of today. Every minute, every friend and every detail of your day is all you have, and all you might ever have. Live today like there is no tomorrow, because sooner or later you will be right.

No matter what your fitness goals are, we have something in the water for you here at BCF:CrossFitCrossFit KidsCrossFit "Unloaded" (aka no barbell bootcamp)CrossFit FootballCrossFit EnduranceCrossFit Rowing (Concept2)and now...Badger Weightlifting Club! (USAW pending)We are excited by our offerings as they give you a chance to take all the best of what CrossFit offers and improve these parts on their own. Nothing will ever replace CrossFit and the effectiveness of our classes, but it's good to have options for the deficiencies you may face on your journey.

Group couch stretches. #huddle #staywarm #crossfit #community #mwod

A photo posted by Badger CrossFit (@badgercrossfit) on Jan 8, 2015 at 6:32am PST

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