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September 23, 2014

9/24 "Wednesday"

Strength:Fitness:Strict Toes to Bar, Tempo Front Squats, Side Plank upsPerformance:Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + SnatchWOD:Fitness:Run, Kettlebell Swings (55/35), PullupsPerformance:Double Kettlebell Swings (55/35, Box Step-Overs with Front-Racked Kettlebells (55/35), Unbroken Wall Ball ShotsMember News:-BCF is currently 27th in class in the Concept2 Fall Challenge, but we are oh so close to jumping up a few spots - remember to log your meters, no matter how you did them or how little, it all helps! You can still sign up!! can still sign up!It is a team challenge for total meters rowed from Sept 15 - Oct 15, some small prizes (shirts, etc) but mainly bragging rights. Team name is "Badger Crossfit" for those that would like to join, just log your meters and total time for those meters and you can enter it in on the website. If anyone wants to join and can't figure it out, let me know and I can assist.-All lost and found clothes, water bottles, fatigues, boots..... All going to donation by Friday! The L&F is by the office door. Last chance.

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