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January 7, 2015

1/8 "Thursday"

StrengthFitness and Performance:Wall Climbs, L-sit, Tempo Negative PullupsWODFitness:Double-Unders, Abmat Sit-UpsPerformance:Double-unders, GHD Sit-upsMember of the MonthYour Member of the Month is Theran!Name: TheranHometown: Middleton, WICrossfitting since? Summer 2012A little about yourselfI work as an equity analyst at Wells Capital Management.I currently live in Wauwatosa with my wife, 3 children (7, 5, and 3), and dog.I enjoy playing soccer, basketball, and hunting.Marquette University, the Packers, the Brewers, and Liverpool FC share my allegiance.What was your background before you started CrossFit?Prior to starting crossfit, I played competitive soccer and (very) recreational basketball. Outside of organized sports, I would mostly run and occasionally lift weights at the YMCA.How did you get into CrossFit?I needed something different that was offered at a time (early morning or late night) that wouldn’t interrupt my commitment to family or work.What is your favorite WOD or movement?Squat cleanLeast favorite?Double-undersHow has CrossFit changed you outside of the gym?I don’t stay up too late (as often) and I own a foam roller.What makes Badger CrossFit unique?Tyler and the other 5:00am coaches, the people, proximity to my residenceWhat time do you WOD?5:00amWhat advice do you have for people first getting started?Don’t be afraid to ask the coaches or your peers questions.Member News:Our January group order of Stronger Faster Healthier (SFH) products is going to go out on Sunday night (1/11). You have the next 5 days to select your products (grassfed whey, potent fish oil, and pre-workout).Again, all fish oil, protein, and pre-workout ordered through us is $5 off retail + free shipping. Simply fill out the attached google.spreadsheet. There are 3 separate tabs for each line of products with the costs to you listed above.

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