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January 5, 2015

"Tuesday" 1/6

StrengthFitness:Hang SnatchPush PressPerformance:Snatch + Overhead SquatWODFitness:Row, DB Power Snatch(50/35), Parallette Lateral Jump-oversPerformance:Row, Hang Power Snatch (75/55), Double-unders, RowThe Opens are around the corner!! Get ready...and feel all the fitness feels.

Member News:

  • Since so many of you are wanting to get fit, we added a 10:30am class led by Coach Eric. So this means we now have two classes on Sunday. As demand increases, we will continually do our best to fill it with the coaches.
  • The goal board is ready for January. Be sure to write down a goal to try and hit for January.

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