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January 9, 2015

1/10 "Saturday"

Strength:Fitness: Jerk dip + Jerk, Deadlift, Broad JumpsPerformance: Jerk dips (tempo), Clean deadlift, Broad JumpsPartner WOD:Buy-in: 1000m Row-then-3 Rounds20 Synchronized Toes to Bar (or V-ups or Tuck Ups)25 Burpees over Partner holding plank30 Kettlebell Swings (55/35) (can’t rest KB anywhere)-then-Cash-out: 1000m Row

We're going to miss you Brandon @alpinesun! It's been a great time while we had you here! You've developed into a great athlete and I hope your fitness journey continues to succeed. But even more we'll miss your presence and good nature. Hope to see you back here soon. Enjoy California...and it's earthquakes... just saying. ;) @nc_crossfit you better treat him like the amazing guy he is! #CrossFit #badgercrossfit #wisconsinattheheart #WIrepresent #army #alwayssunnyinwisconsin

A photo posted by Badger CrossFit (@badgercrossfit) on Jan 9, 2015 at 9:56am PST

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