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December 1, 2014

12/2 "Tuesday"

StrengthFitness and Performance:Back SquatsWOD:Fitness:Wall Walks, KB Swings, RowPerformance:Wall Walks w/ a HSPU at the top, KB Swings, Row

An amazing story! This has been surfacing around in social media and if you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch!

Member News:

  • We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving week and weekend! We get back at it this week with a classic benchmark for us, "Fran." Be sure to get in here to set a new PR or beat your previous score!
  • Be sure to sign up for the Christmas Party! Friday, December 12 at 730pm! It will be amazing like previous years!
  • Didn't get our newsletter? Please let us know and we will add you to our mailing list!
  • It's that time of year again! Please spread the word and VOTE for Badger CrossFit! It's super quick and easy! Please also tell your friends and relatives of BCF about us! We would love to showcase our gym to them and help them with their goals!
  • Uncertain of what to get your CrossFitter for Christmas? Look for a post soon-to-come about our upcoming Christmas sale on all retail items

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