This was given to me by Greg H, BCF athlete-extraordinaire! It may sound like hyperbole to say that Badger Cross Fit has transformed my life or at least the physical part of it, but that’s the only way to capture my experience. Recent years (I’m 42) were characterized by diminishing strength, flexibility and stamina coupled with increased weight, frustration, aches and pains, despite running, biking and treadmills. I’ve always been active and played sports, but it seemed age, kids, career, were catching-up and decline felt inevitable. Badger CrossFit is the first place I’ve been able to fully reverse the trend with a combination of work-out programming and nutrition from Tyler, the owner and main coach – all while having fun and looking forward to working out for the first time ever. The best way to describe the transformation is the with the numbers: after 120 days, I’m 23 pounds lighter, have dropped over 3 inches from my waist, my chest is larger – in a good way, love handles are non-existent and my strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, confidence and outlook have all increased. Tyler gears the group workout to challenge everyone personally and always asks for one more rep., to do something out of your comfort zone, to add a little more weight to build strength, form, technique and overall fitness while never judging or making your feel intimidated. The work-outs are work-outs, not just exercise. Not surprisingly I encourage anyone who thinks they can’t improve, to try it. The only downside is buying new pants – but nothing boosted my ego than wearing the same size I wore in college 20 years ago.