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February 28, 2013

BCF 2013 CrossFit Games update

Hello BCF CrossFit Games Competitors,We are coming up on the week that kicks off the 2013 CrossFit Games competition season. It will last all the way until July for those that continue on throughout the process (Regionals in May, Finals in July).I've received several inquiries about this year, so here's a rundown:Who: Anyone who is interested in competing. This can be someone who just started CrossFit here with us or someone who is very experienced. It's a chance to get outside your comfort zone.What: The CrossFit Games at BCF. 1 WOD, released every week, for 5 weeks.When: Every Saturday starting March 9th, 2013. 10am-11:00am. For 5 weeks total. Coach Robb will also be holding a make-up day on Sunday, from 2-4PM (or check schedule for other times) if you cannot make Saturday. Also, if you are gone the whole week, you can do the CrossFit Games WOD sometime during the week, as long as an L1 coach (Tyler, Robb, Kevin, Christine, Troy, Eric or Justin) is in the gym and a qualified judge is judging you.How: You have to sign up VERY SOON. Goto and register. Be sure you also register with us as both the affiliate and the TEAM called Badger CrossFit. Or I will add you if I see you on our affiliate list.Starting at 10am, we will go over the movements, the requirements for the WOD, break the groups up into heats if necessary, gather judges for each athlete, etc. We hope to get everyone out by 11am! The good thing is you can bring your family, friends, etc. to watch you compete. Let's make this a really cool event for all here at BCF!Other info:If you come to a movement in a WOD that you cannot perform, like a muscle-up, your score will be everything leading up to that rep. ie. if the WOD is 30 burpees, 30 double-unders but you cannot perform a double under, you have two options -- keep trying to get your first DU, or scale it for the rest of the WOD. Either way, you will be able to participate in any of the WODs.If you have any questions, please let us know!

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