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September 2, 2013

9/3 "Tuesday"

"Are you satisfied with being mediocre? Do you believe in coasting through life? Do you thirst to be excellent or are you just getting by? Take a minute and think about who you are and what you are doing with your life. It is easy to get into the routine, slipping through weeks and months without challenging yourself. Humans are designed to thrive on challenge. Character is forged through adversity. So take some time to figure out what you are going to be excellent at. Make a plan and execute it. Invest yourself into a life that is worth living and don't look back. Every person has a song they need to sing, as Mr. Thoreau said, "I refuse to take my song to the grave.""-Collin BabcockStrength:Every :90 for 12 minutes, 1 snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 OH squat @70%WOD:AMRAP 14 of 15 front squat (135/95), 12 KB situp (55/35), 9 push jerkNews:--With the expanded space, we get to 'play' a bit more. Starting next week, Level 2 classes will be going on officially. 'Competitor' is not the name as not all of you will be competing, so it makes sense to call it Level 2. You have to test out to do this programming. Contact me for details. I will be having Level 1 and 2 classes running together on some days (one class in each of the small and big rooms).--Open gym times will be expanded throughout the day. Watch the calendar for this...--Saturday's "comp WOD" will now be will now be done during the 9am . No more 10am for this class. We will offer another regular class at 10a if there is demand for one.

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