Strength: 15 minutes to work up to a heavy (but technically sound) Power Clean & Push Jerk.WOD: 400m run then 3 Rounds of 15 atomic situp, 15 clean and jerk, then 400m run.RX: 135/95[learn_more caption="Click for NEWS"]**On Facebook but don’t have access to the BCF Athletes Group? Let coach know!!!**BCF Fall Throwdown is ON! Details here!**Interested in competing in CrossFit at local events, CF Games, etc? Join our BCF Competition Team page on Facebook.**CrossFit Endurance started this week! If you are interested but couldn’t make it, please sign up before going. Also, if you showed up but didn’t register, please do.**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form[/learn_more]