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September 12, 2011

9/12 WOD: Wall balls and burpees

Individual Warm-up: 20 toes-to-bar, 10 GHD situpsWarm-Up: Joint Articulations, high knee walk, butt kick run, 2-shuffles, 2-karaoke runs, 4-50% sprints. Part #2: 10 front squats, 10-OH Squats 10-back squats.Strength:Dead-lifts, 1) 5 x 75%, 2) 3 x 85%, 3) 1+ x 95%WOD: 800m run, 30-burpees / 30-wall balls, 400m run 20-bu/wb, 200m run 10- bu/wb.Recovery: PSOAS and shoulder stretches.

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