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August 3, 2014

8/4 "Monday"

If you have any questions yet regarding our Fitness and Performance categories on the board and/or which one you should be doing, please talk to a coach. Your goals are important to us, and we strive to ensure we meet your needs through this programming. You just need to show up, do the hard work in and out of the gym, and come back again and again. We will take care of the rest.Also, if you want to do a different WOD, this biggest thing is to stick with it! We want you to get better. Thus, we will allow scaling of the performance movements. Can't do a muscle-up? You will have to work on it, but we will let you scale like any WOD we've done. The idea here is to not let you get comfortable, though. You have to work on these things. Attempts in WODs is not going to get you there. You have to put in the time, effort, energy, work and attitude into these movements. Performance is for the person wanting more than just being in excellent shape. It's to seek excellence in fitness, CrossFit. Or to just "be better." Either way, we want to give you the avenue towards whatever it is your goals are. Please seek out our head coaches to ensure you are on the right path. See you in the gym...Fitness:Strength: Front Squat, Wall Climbs, KB Swings, PlanksWOD: Jump squats, KB Swings, DU, Push Press, BurpeePerformance:Strength: Snatch -- Extra Credit: Back Squat, Front SquatWOD: Jump Squats, KB Swings, DU, Push Press, Burpee

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