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August 29, 2012

8/29 WOD: Bear Complex

Congrats ladies! Welcome to the club!Strength: Snatch - Find new 1RMWOD: "The Bear Complex"Power CleanFront SquatPush PressBack SquatPush PressPerform the sequence 7 times through without stopping. 5 rounds of the complex will be completed increasing weight each time. Rest as needed between rounds.[learn_more caption="Click for news"]**Want to compete in CrossFit? Sunday, September 15th at 10am BCF will hold an informal competitors meeting. Bring any questions you may have about The Crossfit Games, Garage Games, local comps, etc and we will do our best to get them answered. At 11am we will hold a competition style wod, no coaching, we will judge each other, and continue to get ready. FB Event here!**Want to be a BCF CrossFit Coach? See here.**Mobility Workshop Coming to BCF October 20th! Details here!**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]

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