When our workouts are designed, there is a particular response that is supposed to occur. There may be weights that seem kind of light for you but there is a reason to stay at the weights that are listed. Now if the weight is too heavy, then the trainer should explain either what percentage of your 1 RM you should be doing, or how many reps you should be able to get in the first round. This is so that you are getting the specific response. Before you decide to make up your own version of the workout, ask the trainer so they can make sure you are sticking within the response range. This doesnt mean you always go super light so that your reps are blazing fast and you are first everytime. It also doesnt mean that you load up the weight because it sounds to easy. Trust in the program we are giving you. We will make you stronger. We will make you faster. We will make you more explosive. We will make you more fit!Strength: Bench Press 3x3WOD: 8-reps of alternating Pistols, Handstand push-ups, 20″- Burpee Box jumps, then do 12 reps each, then do 16 reps each.[learn_more caption="Click or Announcements"]**CPR/AED/First Aid Course coming to BCF August 18th from 10-12:30pm. Good for 1 year certification. Taught by AHA instructors. Dummies, etc. will be provided. You show up! Details here.**Mobility Workshop Coming to BCF October 20th! Details here!**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.**Want to stay updated? Join the BCF Text Message System to be alerted to last minute updates, changes, news, etc. via text message. It’s free for you (unless you pay per text?…). Just text 414-751-8966 the word bcfand you’re in. Follow the directions.[/learn_more]