A day of Rest? You can rest when you die? 3 on and 1 off? What is all this rest stuff? The way we need to see rest is a time for our body to recuperate so that we are able to come back hard in your workouts. The goal of the workout is to have high intensity. Our workouts are not only physically demanding, they are mentally demanding as well. This rest time is supposed to help with both. Give yourself time to enjoy the world around you. Play some other sports. Go play basketball, football, climb, hike, ski, and learn other sports too. Do something that is not as high intensity but is truly enjoyable. Now if you are training for, lets say, the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games, what does rest mean then? It means the same thing, a day to recover so you can attack the wods again. However, this doesn't mean you don't do anything. It means you do Mobility. It means you do skill work. It may mean that you catch up on some sleep. It is important to listen to you body and give it what it needs. Your body is a machine and it will tell you what it needs. Just make sure its not your brain, that tells you not to workout because you don't have time, you are tired from work, you just dont feel like it, you have other things to do, etc. Do give yourself excuses. Give yourself chances to succeed! Train and Rest correctly and you will!!Warm-up: Dynamic hip mobility, roll-outs, active supine movements.Strength/WOD: Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (Find 3RM in 20 minutes).Finisher WOD: 3 rounds of 15 (2-for-1’s) mountain climbers, 15 power jacks, 15 burpees.Recovery: Samson stretchBadger CrossFit’s “Shopping Loco” at Outpost Foods! April 28th. Details here…BCF Social WOD is June 3rd. BCF members! Brewer game/tailgate fun. Details here…