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March 18, 2012

3/18 WOD: REST and "To Be Fit"

WOD: RestTo be fit you must be able to go short and fast, and you must be able to go long and hard. You must have the ability to be good at workouts that are under 30 seconds, that are in the 5-10 minute realm, and the over 25 minute realm. Do you train for this? If you are really good at one and bad at the other then you aren't are just good at one type of workout. We define fitness as "increased work capacity over broad time and modal domains". This means you have the ability to do anything, including lift heavy, light, lots of times, etc. Now of course there are all levels of fitness in the gym but what I want you to look at is YOUR level of fitness. If you are increasing your work done in all of these time domains and doing all kinds of different weight amounts and different movements........ then you are increasing your fitness! Keep up the amazing work!

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