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March 15, 2013

3/14 "Fear Management"

Heart racing. Palms sweaty. Breath hitching. Weak legs.We have all felt this before. Fear and anxiety...or, I suppose, these could also be symptoms of an allergic reaction. If it’s the former, take a look at this great article on overcoming fear, as it relates to competing. If it’s the latter, then run for the EpiPen. those who have signed up for the crossfit open continue to move forward in the workouts and as we, as human beings, continue to move forward in our lives we will indefinitely experience fear. Rather than allowing this fear to envelop us and cripple our performance, let us work at using it to our advantage by managing it.Tony Blauer also has some great things to say about fear management. Most of what he writes is in relation to self-defense, though a lot of his insight can carry over into all other aspects of our lives.Check out his blog!

Strength: Top Pull Deadlifts (in racks): 2X3 @ 75%, 2X2 @ 80%, 3X1 @ 95% – rest 60 to 90secWOD: AMRAP 15, 7 Knees-to-Elbows, 15 box jumps (24/20), 10 pushups

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