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March 5, 2018

2018 Affiliate Cup Week 3 Challenge/Theme

18.3 - Scavenger Hunt Challenge

This week’s challenge is a Scavenger Hunt!This challenge is worth 15 points per team. There are 15 tasks that can be completed and uploaded together by your team captain (or someone responsible ;)) by Friday at 6:30 pm. Your tasks: You’ll need a photo of each task (one person per task per team). And only one person may upload all photos/videos at once to Facebook and IG. You must TAG all members in the photos. Please submit all pictures in an “album” on Facebook and make it public! Share the album with each task you’ve completed, and you get 1 point per each task completely properly. THE TASKSPhoto each one of the following tasks:

  1. OHS Squat with a Frozen Turkey at a grocery store
  2. An animal wearing a Badger CrossFit tshirt
  3. Pistol (aka one-legged squat) on the stage of Hart Park
  4. Giving a teammate a piggyback ride.
  5. Human pyramid on the Hart Park Field
  6. A car with the Badger CrossFit sticker on it.
  7. Someone doing a “samson lunge” in front of a house with a "13" in the address.
  8. Someone doing a squat hold in front of a "for sale" sign.
  9. Someone doing a "fire hydrant" on a real fire hydrant.
  10. Someone hanging off the ground, on a stop-sign pole.
  11. Someone jumping rope with their shoelaces tied together.
  12. A man-made “drinking-straw barbell” from a fast-food restaurant, and OHS it.
  13. Someone carrying two dogs, one in each hand.
  14. Doing exactly what a sign says (any sign can work)
  15. Min. of 5 people jumping in the air (everyone in the air to count). No members from gym in the photo.

WEEK 2 INSTRUCTIONSPlease post your photo album to your social media channels (Facebook/Instagram), make it “PUBLIC” so we can see it, and tag @BadgerCrossFit and #BadgerCrossFit #AffiliateCup #InTheOpen #YourteamNameComplete the challenge before Friday at 6:30 pm.

Weekly Theme:

This week's theme is "Hipster." Think skinny jeans, subculture, shades, beards, flannel, beer-makers, coffee shoppers, Apple/Mac Book users, peace makers, etc! You name it! Have fun with this!

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