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December 8, 2013

12/9 "Monday"

We've got 5 new rowers, parallettes, more weights and much more to ensure amazing workouts and new movements!Weather update:As a reminder, DO NOT workout or step on mats with your outdoor shoes! Bring a second pair please. Our cleaning crew works hard to keep the mats clean. Also, it prevents for hazards to you!With winter weather approaching, please check our website, calendar, facebook/twitter daily to ensure class is still going on. We also have a text alert system!Steps to enroll:1. Text 414-501-4744 the keyword 'bcf3'2. Reply with your full name3. Get texts when we send updates!Much appreciated! See you all in the gym!WOD:9 Bar Muscle-ups/15 C2B Pullups9 Push Press 155/105#20 Burpee lateral box jumps (20")6 Bar Muscle-ups/12 C2B Pullups6 Push Press 155/105#20 Burpee Lateral box jumps (20")3 Bar Muscle-ups/9 C2B Pullups3 Push Press 155/105#20 Burpee Lateral Box jumps (20")"At our gym, we offer a plethora of programming and coaching options to hopefully fulfill the needs and goals of every member and athlete. We are very hands on as coaches and we want our members to embrace that!However, I always appreciate the member who chooses to come in and “figure things out” on their own. Different things work for different people and some athletes need to put the time in to analyze what feels right to them.Before I had other coaches coming in to help me train, I made a lot of progress with my iPhone camera as my only training partner. I would go home at night and watch elite lifters on YouTube, comparing my lifts to theirs. The next day I would try to implement what I thought I needed to fix.There is still no substitute for knowledgable coaches and good training partners but, ultimately you are own coach. You are responsible for how hard you push yourself, how hard you work on technique that is lacking, and how much energy you put into a healthy life style outside of the gym. You should care enough to care enough, if you know what I'm saying."

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