WOD:4 rounds for time of:Row 500m15 Deadlifts (225/155)*17 minute Cap
You only live once, better known as YOLO, or better yet, #YOLO This is a phrase that can essentially be used for anything; drinking your weight in alcohol, eating garbage, skydiving, getting a tattoo, working out, or crossing the street with your eyes closed. All of these things, good or bad, can be preceded with a “Yolo!” You may say it out loud (don’t ever say it out loud) or you may say it in your head.Instead of using “yolo” as a reason to make unhealthy choices, we should be using it as a reason to make healthy ones. Eventually, the choices we make, good and bad, will come back to either help us or haunt us.Because you only live once…-Come in to BCF and do a WOD-Work on mobility-Call your parents-Go on a coffee date with a friend you haven’t seen in a long time-Tell your kids and/or your pets you love them-Take the time to cook and eat a healthy meal-Look for volunteer opportunities-Read a book-Learn something you’ve always wanted to learn-Resolve a grudge that’s been eating away at you-Plan a trip.Member News:-Please clean up after yourself! This means wiping down equipment and putting plates, bands, jump ropes, boxes, etc. where they belong. This also means picking up band-aides, or hand tape that may have fallen off during a WOD. Nobody wants to touch that.-Keep your eye on the schedule for updated holiday times!-We're putting in an order for RX bars at the end of the month if there's enough of an interest! You can put your order down here>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aner1DYTxgtidGZidEd5UmhPTHJHSnp3TEZ4UC1nYVE&usp=sharing