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December 16, 2013

12/17 "Tues"

AMRAP 103 Thrusters (95/65)3 Pull ups6 Thrusters6 Pull ups9, 12, 15, 18, 21.. etc. until you can no longer perform the number of reps.Note: Substitute ring rows as needed.Member Notes-We're going to be ordering RX bars this month! If you'd like a box or two, fill out the appropriate information in this spread sheet> may have been a few times where you weren't able to sign in to zen planner, at the lap top. If this happens, please sign in to the binder below the computer labeled "Badger CrossFit Back-Up Attendance Check-In". At the end of the week, we will appropriately adjust attendance records based on the names and times written.-A huge thank you to all members who donated items or bought raffle tickets at the BCF Christmas party! We were able to raise over $850.00 for DryHootch! A special thanks to Valentine Coffee, Adventure Rock Climbing Gym, Phase 2 Skateshop,Bunzel's Meats and Catering, Urban Caveman, and Big Head Brewery for donating items!Outside Magazine came out with this very in-depth article on how body fat is actually more like a toxic parasite than inert layer of blubber and what we can do to fight back. If you can sit(or stand-because it's better for you) still to read this lengthy article, please check it out and share it with those you care about!Read the full article Here> the shortened one below:"Everyone knows that being overweight is bad for you, but most people can’t explain exactly why. Some reasons are obvious. Fat tends to go hand in hand with diabetes, and more weight means increased stress on joints and the heart. More puzzling to researchers is that excess fat seems to be linked with cancer of the kidneys, colon, and liver, and even to cognitive decline.Until fairly recently, fat was thought to be inert, evolution’s wobbly way of letting humans store energy for lean times. And we’ve long known that it’s better to be slightly overweight than underweight, as a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association reiterates.Starting in the 1990s, though, scientists began to realize that fat is best understood as a single huge endocrine gland, one that wields powerful influence over the rest of the body.Not everything about fat is bad, of course. Fat tissue under the skin, known as subcutaneous fat—the kind that makes young people look succulent and ripe—is essentially padding that protects the body from injury, and it also helps fight infection and heal wounds. “Sub-q” fat produces an important hormone called adiponectin, which appears to help control metabolism and protect against certain cancers.The bad news is that, as we age, we gradually lose this good fat. Instead we tend to build up blobby fat on our midsections. Over the past decade or so, scientists have discovered that this so-called visceral fat infiltrates our vital organs, bathing them in a nasty chemical stew that wreaks havoc in the body(heart disease, diabetes, and even pre-mature aging)In any sedentary, inactive person—including people who aren’t actually obese—fat invades the muscles, slipping in between muscle fibers. Worse, fat infiltrates individual muscle cells in the form of lipid droplets that make the cells sluggish. This explains why some sedentary people of normal weight are still at risk for the disease.Ah! But there is hope! In 2003, biologists from Australia and Denmark, figured out that muscle is an endocrine organ, just like fat, and that exercising muscle produces chemical secretions—which they called myokines—that communicate with the rest of the body. As Pedersen puts it: “Skeletal muscle is the organ that counteracts fat.”Febbraio and Pedersen identified the most common myokine as none other than IL-6, the inflammatory cytokine that’s also produced by excess fat. But when released during exercise, they found, IL-6 actually had beneficial effects, telling the liver to increase the rate of fat oxidation. “When we made this discovery, people really didn’t believe us, because IL-6 was considered a bad actor in many diseases,” says Febbraio, a former professional triathlete. “But the thing is, in exercise it’s actually anti-inflammatory.”The difference had to do with time. Obese patients tended to have low but constant levels of IL-6, which caused chronic inflammation. When patients exercised, their IL-6 levels would spike, then dissipate over a few hours. The patients who exercised had much lower baseline levels of inflammation.Since then, dozens of these myokines have been identified. Febbraio believes there could be hundreds more and that they’re largely responsible for the beneficial effects of exercise. They act on bones, the pancreas (which secretes insulin), and the immune system. Researchers think they may also act on muscle itself, promoting growth and healing,.“There’s a growing body of evidence suggesting that healthy muscle may lead to a healthier liver, a healthier gut, a healthier pancreas, and a healthier brain,” says Nathan LeBrasseur, a Mayo Clinic scientist who specializes in muscle tissue.FAT IS STUBBORN, DEMANDING stuff. Much of the time it’s telling you to eat more, which is one reason why most attempts at dieting are doomed to fail. Our fat wants to keep us fat, and most of us lack impressive willpowerThe reason is a hormone called leptin. This hormone is produced by fat tissue. Ordinarily, leptin tells the brain, “Dude, we’re fat. It’s time to stop eating.” But the brains of obese people often become deaf to leptin, so they don’t get the message.However, researcher have found that with an increase in exercise, sensitivity to leptin is restored, so that the body knows when it’s time to stop eating."

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