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December 14, 2011

12/14 WOD: Heavy work

UPDATE: We've moved the location of our Holiday Social WOD from Cafe Hollander to Firefly Urban Bar + Grill, right across the street pretty much. Same time, 7-9PM. Afterwards is the after-party at Dan Mitchell's house for ping-pong tournaments and wine tasting! As a reminder, this is only for members of Badger CrossFit (monthly or punchcard or Elements). We'd love to have everyone of you we've trained but unfortunately we're so booked for this event, it's not possible. Real sorry!

Strength: Dead-lifts 1) 5 x 40%, 2) 5 x 50%, 3) 5 x 60%, New clients find 1RM.WOD: Push Press - 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 (Find 1RM)Front Squat - 5-5-3-3-1-1-1 (Find 1RM)Introduce box squats with technique.Finisher: 500m row sprint (AFAP) if time, or 35 burpees AFAP.

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