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November 21, 2013

11/22 "Friday"

With all the T2B/K2E we've done this week/are going to do tomorrow, you may have noticed areas where you are weak in these movements. Are losing momentum in the 4th round? How was your grip strength? How about your hips? Or abs? The below video offers some insight in how to best move forward and progress from one stage to another, as it relates to T2B. Note: It never hurts to go back to basics if you feel like you're plateauing. Maybe you have K2E but can't get the T2B. Think about going back a-ways and working the beginning stages of the movement and building strength in the necessary areas.

**Important: Zen planner maintenance alert from 1030-1100pm tonight, which means you probably won't be able to utilize zen planner at that time for rsvping for classes, making purchases, etc.Strength: 1) 4x8 Weighted ring rows - heaviest possible - :30 rest2) 4x8 Good mornings - go heavy but not heaviest. - :30 rest3) 4xME Strict C2B chin-ups - :90 rest.WOD: 2 rounds of:5 Bar Muscle Ups10 HSPU15 Box Jump (30/24)20 Toes to Bar25 Burpees5 Power Snatch (135/95 - and for all below)10 OHS15 Power Clean20 Push Jerk25 Deadlift

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