Strength: 15 minutes to practice the push press or establish a 1RM.WOD: “Nancy” 5 rounds for time: 400m run 15 Overhead Squats. RX: 95/65CF Football:SWOD: PC 5x3, Press 3x5DWOD: 8:00 AMRAP of*5 pullups*10 pushups*5 backsquats (use PC weight from today)[learn_more caption="NEWS"]GRASSFED MEAT UPDATE::: Payment for the 13# share of GF beef is due Thursday the 11th!!! Please check the list here. Payment can be made to VDL GrassFed. Please ensure you are paid and can pick up on Saturday before the group WOD.**Halloween Party/Social WOD, Friday, Oct 19th! Details are here!**BCF In-House Fall Throwdown is ON! YOU MUST SIGN UP BY NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY! here!**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]