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October 28, 2013

10/29 "Tuesday"

Mobility-Day 2, how did those deep squats go?

Please bring long socks or pants this week! We'll be climbing ropes everyday!Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Hang Clean & Jerk.WOD: 3 Rounds of1:00 ME Row (for calories)1:00 ME Front Squats 96/651:00 ME Pullups1:00 UB Handstand HoldImportant BCF News!!!If you're doing the spartan race this weekend> Here's some race info for you> order for pants and sweatshirts NOW! The sweatshirts are the exact ones Rouge Fitness has here: come in any size of course. The color is gray as well. Read the reviews on Rogue's site. Very comfy - it's in the office here if you want to see.The pants are custom pants for women. Yoga style and workout style. Come in to my office to see these pants as well. I will post a picture of our mockup design in a comment...Order here also have the following coming in, NOT on a special order:-New Men's and women's tshirts-New Men's and women's long sleeve tshirts-New Knee-high Socks that say "Badger CrossFit" on the sides.I need final #'s in 2 weeks! They ship in 2-3 business days after I order.Because the hoodies will be >$40 it's why I'm ordering through a special order. Please order a size up if you think you don't know. Better to be too big than small IMO. But I'm sure someone else would purchase if you didn't like the sizing.Check out the mock up designs here!>

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