Mindset. It's important in everything you do from sports, to workouts, interviews, to how you start off your day. The direction you put your thoughts can help you succeed or fail even before you come close to attempting whatever it is you have. To get the right mindset doesn't mean to lie to yourself. But its does mean that you pump yourself up with positive thoughts, filling your head with all kinds of good things. If you have ever heard of "The Secret", its the same basic idea. Tell yourself exactly what you will do and be specific about. The more you hear yourself say it, the more real it becomes and if you honestly believe it, then it will should follow. Sounds weird, but think about the best day you ever had. What kind of thoughts were you having? I'm certain they weren't failing thoughts. So get your head thinking the successful thoughts. See what happens.Strength: Back Squat: 1X5 @ 80%, 1X3 @ 90%, 1X2 @ 95%, 1X2 @ 100% – rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.WOD: 3 rounds of 800m run, 10 Power Clean and Jerks, 10 T2B. Each time you drop from bar to break up T2B perform 1 burpee penalty. RX: 155/95[learn_more caption="NEWS"]GRASSFED MEAT UPDATE::: Payment for the 13# share of GF beef is due Thursday the 11th!!! Please check the list here. Payment can be made to VDL GrassFed. Please ensure you are paid and can pick up on Saturday before the group WOD.**Halloween Party/Social WOD, Friday, Oct 19th! Details are here!**BCF In-House Fall Throwdown is ON! YOU MUST SIGN UP BY NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY! here!**Please take a moment to fill out your BCF Athlete Profile. Here’s the form.[/learn_more]