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January 31, 2012

1/31 WOD: Mid 50's!

In one day the registration for the 2012 CrossFit Games season begins!! Whether you have aspirations of being in the Games or not, we want as many of our members to get involved in the process. Its easy to do! Go to this link and make a profile. Once you do that then you will need to find the BCF team link and join the team. Once we have everyone, then its all about getting everyone together for the workouts. You know how it feels when you are working out and you have a handful of people cheering you on and pushing you to go further than you have before! Well, for these workouts it will be the same thing but you will have even more support and more coaches there you help you out and keep you going!!! The events will be weekly (Saturday's). We will set up heats for everyone and you will get a rep counter and then we blast the music and make it happen! Then we all hang out, maybe do some BBQ, just enjoy the day together!! A Badger CrossFit Family day for sure!!! Go to the link to register and stay tuned for more info. First workout will be announced on Tuesday February 21, 2012!!

Warm: 15 press, 10 push press, 10 jerksSkill: 1:00 handstand hold, max pullups (strict)Strength: Shoulder Press 1) 5 x 75%, 2) 3 x 85%, 3) max reps x 95%.WOD: 800m run, 30 squat snatches (115#), 800m runRecovery: 25-ghd back extensions, groin, and calve stretches.

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