4/3 "Thursday"Thursday's Movements Strength (gymnastic): rope climbs, handstand push-ups, ring push-ups, tuck-ups WOD: burpee box jumps, pistols, handstand shoulder taps Member News: **The good news is that we had far more members check-in/attend reserved classes in March than in February.General4/2 "Wednesday"Wednesday's Movements: Strength: Clean pull, Clean, Jerk WOD: Squat Clean, Handstand push-ups Member News: -For now, we're going to be removing the 930am classes.General3/27 "Thursday"Welcome to our shiny new website! Yay! Please feel free to explore our new and updated content! Here are some things you need to know! 1.General12/20 "Friday"WOD: 4 rounds for time of: Row 500m 15 Deadlifts (225/155) *17 minute Cap You only live once, better known as YOLO, or better yet, #YOLO This is a phrase that can essentially be used for anything; drinking your weight in alcohol, eating garbage, skydiving, getting a tattoo, working out, or crossing the street with your eyes closed.General12/19 "Thurs"5 Wall Climbs 7 Toes to bar 9 Box jumps (30/24) ***What happens in the 21-23 hours you spend outside of training? Exercise is simple.General12/18 "Wed""The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.GeneralprevNext