10/30 "Wenesday"Mobility Day 3 Strength: 15 minutes to find 1 RM Push Jerk from Blocks/Rack.General10/29 "Tuesday"Mobility-Day 2, how did those deep squats go? Please bring long socks or pants this week! We'll be climbing ropes everyday! Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Hang Clean & Jerk.GeneralThe Badger CrossFit 30 Day Mobility Challenge!Welcome to the November Challenge Series! This month, we at BCF are doing 30 days of mobility.CrossFit10/28 "Mobility/Motivation Monday!"Tomorrow is the first day of the mobility challenge! 30 days of awesome! Mobility day one: Cultivating a deep squat for an extended period of time.General10/25 Friday"Strength: Back Squat: 1X5@60%, 1X5@70%, 2X5@75% – rest exactly 2:00.General10/24 "Thursday"Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM of the following complex: Hang snatch + Behind the neck push-press + Snatch balance WOD: Run 800m 20 Muscle-Ups (x2 C2B, Pull-ups) Run 400m 40 Push Press 115/75# Run 800m Important member news! -If you have not yet filled out our online waiver please do so ASAP! you can fill it out here- Even if you have already filled out a paper waiver with us, we still need you to fill out the online version! -We moved our retail items-i.GeneralprevNext