11/7 "Thursday"Strength: 1) 6x4 Close-grip bench press (12” apart) 2) 6x6 K2E AFAP Rest :60 WOD: Perform 100 AKB swings *EMOM perform 5 strict pullups, 5 push-ups [learn_more caption="NEWS"] Kory from CrossFit Farmland in Waunakee, WI is selling grassfed beef! He's a farmer by day and owner/coach at night.General11/6 "Wednesday"Strength: 15 minutes to establish a max 3 Position Clean (Floor, Hang, Hip) + Jerk Beginner: 15 minutes to perform 3x5 deadlift, alternating with 3x5 press WOD: 3 rounds for time of: 50 Double-Unders 21 Lateral Burpees (over bar) 7 Power Snatches 135/95# (Beginner: 12 DL @ 155/105) [learn_more caption="NEWS"] Kory from CrossFit Farmland in Waunakee, WI is selling grassfed beef! He's a farmer by day and owner/coach at night.General11/5 "Tuesday"Strength: 5-10-5-10-5-10-5-10 Peform 5 reps of FS, then IMMEDIATELY 10 reps Back Squat @ 70% of 1RM FS – rest 90 sec.General11/3 "Monday"Saturday's mobility: Todays mobility: Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM 3 Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, Hip) Beginner: Work technique in all positions or perform 10x3 OHS WOD: 3 rounds for reps of: AMRAP 5 10 push press 135/95# 20 ball slams 30 Double-Unders [learn_more caption="NEWS"] Kory from CrossFit Farmland in Waunakee, WI is selling grassfed beef! He's a farmer by day and owner/coach at night.General11/1 "Friday"Mobility day 5! Strength: 15 minutes to find 1RM hang snatch (top of knee) WOD: "Why Not Be Chipper" 15 Power Cleans (145/100#) 20 T2B 25 Wall Balls 15 Power Cleans (145/100#) 20 Ring Dip 25 Pullups 15 Power Cleans (145/100) 20 HR Pushups 25 2-fer lateral hops 15 Power Cleans (145/100) 20 Med-ball Situps 25 KB Swings [learn_more caption="NEWS"] Kory from CrossFit Farmland in Waunakee, WI is selling grassfed beef! He's a farmer by day and owner/coach at night.General10/31 "Thursday"and halloween-we hope you give kids lots of paleo candy) Strength: 7 x 2 High Bar Back Squat - 3 second pause at the bottom of each squat.GeneralprevNext