5/29 "Thursday"Strength: Hang Snatch, Hang Clean WOD: C2B pullups, Handstand pushups, rope climbs, Target burpees A great testimony from Michael Hubbs, a recent addition to our BCF community! Thanks to all of you, who make this gym the community that it is, for members and visitors alike! "First of all, thank you so much for this opportunity.General5/28 "Wednesday"Before I had kids, I wanted to have that uber "fit" body you'd see on magazine covers.General5/26 "Memorial Day Murph"Thanks to all the BCF athletes, their families and friends for coming out to support #mdm! #crossfit #releasethebeast.General5/27 "Tuesday"Strength: Back Squat, Press WOD: KB Lunge, V-up, KB Swing.General5/23 "Friday"Strength: Dead lift Good Mornings Wod: "Kelly" Paleo White Chicken Chili from A Spicy Perspective Ingredients: 1.General5/22 "Thursday"Strength: Muscle ups(or muscle up transition with ring rows), v-up, hollow holds, kipping swings WOD: Strict pullups, Push ups, squats.GeneralprevNext