5/21 TuesdayA great reminder on why we NEED to hydrate! Strength: bench press, pendlay row WOD: run, dead lifts, med ball sit ups.General5/20 "Tuesday"Strength: Power Snatch, Snatch Balance WOD: Box jump overs row for calories KB swing Double Unders.General5/19 "Monday"[gallery columns="5" ids="7376,7377,7374,7373,7372" orderby="rand"] Abbye Eville Stockton was born on August 11, 1917, and moved to Santa Monica, California in 1924.General5/16 "Friday"Strength: Dead Lift, Bent over row WOD: Burpee Pullups Power Snatch Friday's Recipe(from Ancestralchef.General5/15 "Thursday"Strength: Hang Snatch T2B WOD: HS hold Jumping Lunges Hollow Rocks Push Ups Slam Balls A great testimonial from one of our members, Mark Kashtan: "Community is a word that gets used a lot at BCF.General5/14 "Wed"Strength: Bench Press Ring Support Hold WOD: Strict chin-ups Wall balls The DIY Row WOD from Ryan Groth is: Start with Pick Drill then easy 10 minute warmup row.GeneralprevNext