8/6 TuesdayStrength: Fitness: Handstand progression, pistol progression, L-sits Performance: Cleans WODS: Fitness: Row, Wall Balls Performance: Run, Double Unders, Thrusters.General8/4 "Monday"If you have any questions yet regarding our Fitness and Performance categories on the board and/or which one you should be doing, please talk to a coach.General8/1"Friday"Strength: Fitness: DeadLift, Handstand Hold, Ring dips Performance: Front Squat WOD: Fitness: Row, HR push ups, Power Cleans, Run Performance: Snatch Member News: Granite Games: If you are a business owner or know of any area businesses who would be interested in supporting and sponsoring the Badger CrossFit Granite Games team as well as advertising your company logo on the team t-shirts, please review our sponsor letter here!> If you would like a cost breakdown, or have any additional questions, please email us at info@badgercrossfit.General7/31 "Thursday"At times our two programs, Fitness and Performance, are similar, but on days like yesterday (Wednesday WODs), they are complete opposites.General7/25 "Friday"Strength: Dead Lift WOD: Pushup, Front Squats, Wall Climbs Looking for upping your nutrition game? At Badger, we always say you can't out work a bad diet.General7/24 "Thursday"Strength: Legless rope climbs/four up-downs Dumbbell shoulder press Pistols WOD: T2B DB Thrusters DB Lunges In honor of the CrossFit Games, let's talk about swimming.GeneralprevNext