9/24 "Wednesday"Strength: Fitness: Strict Toes to Bar, Tempo Front Squats, Side Plank ups Performance: Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch WOD: Fitness: Run, Kettlebell Swings (55/35), Pullups Performance: Double Kettlebell Swings (55/35, Box Step-Overs with Front-Racked Kettlebells (55/35), Unbroken Wall Ball Shots Member News: -BCF is currently 27th in class in the Concept2 Fall Challenge, but we are oh so close to jumping up a few spots - remember to log your meters, no matter how you did them or how little, it all helps! You can still sign up!! You can still sign up! It is a team challenge for total meters rowed from Sept 15 - Oct 15, some small prizes (shirts, etc) but mainly bragging rights.General9/23 "Tuesday"Strength: Fitness: KB Press, Ring rows, Pushups Performance: Strict muscle up, handstand walks WOD: Fitness: Wall balls, Burpees over parralettes, T2B Performance: Row, C2B.General9/22 "Monday"No excuses, no limits! Think about what you have to do to succeed, and do it.General9/19 "Friday"Strength: Fitness: Handstand progressions and Handstand Walking Performance: Back Squat WOD: Fitness: Ground to Overhead, C2B Pull-Ups, Run Performance: Bar Muscle-Ups Strict Handstand Push-Ups Push Press Volunteer: Any folks out there interested in picking up rocks some time this Saturday for a local community garden? Victory Garden Initiative, a community garden in Milwaukee, is looking for some help moving rocks before a fundraising event that they're putting on!.General9/18 "Thursday"Strength: Front Squat Ring Rows Double Under WOD: Row, Pushups or Handstand Pushups, T2B or V-ups, Bear CrawlThoughts on Competition from Badger athlete, Mary Pelkofer, who competed this last weekend at the Granite Games.General9/17 "Wednesday"Strength: Fitness: Push Press, Ring Holds, Strict Toes to Bar Performance: Power Clean WOD: Fitness: Kettlebell Swings, Thrusters Performance: Wall Ball Shots, Toes to Bar, Burpee Box Jump-Overs.GeneralprevNext