9/12 "Friday"Strength: Fitness: Good Mornings Handstand Holds/Freestanding Hollow Rocks Performance: Back Squat WOD: Fitness: Ground to Overhead ) Burpees over the bar Run Performance: Double-Unders Muscle-Ups Power Cleans Push Press Some things to keep in mind for the Paleo Challenge.General9/5 "Friday"Strength Fitness: OHS, KB DL, Plank Performance: Push press, split jerk.General9/4 "Thursday"HEARTThis is what gets you through your WOD or your skill or your strength section when the going gets tough.General9/3 "Tuesday"This post is directed toward our up-and-coming group of competitive athletes, anyone interested in the sport of CrossFit, and all other members who pay attention to our ever evolving programming.General9/2 "Tuesday"Please be sure to email info@badgercrossfit.General8/31 "Sunday"Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend! Few things I want to say.GeneralprevNext