8/23 "Friday"Why do we make our prescribed workouts so hard? Who can do these things prescribed anyways??? The object is NOT to make people feel inferior.General8/22 "Thursday"The most impressive thing about Rich Froning is the way he seems to win these competitions.General8/21 "Wednesday"Strength: 15 minutes to establish a Max 3 Position Clean + Jerk (Floor, Hang, Hip, Jerk) WOD: :30 Barbell Hang Hold 15 Deadlifts 225/145# :30 Barbell Hang Hold 15 squat thrust box jumps (24/20).General8/20 "Motivation Tuesday"Strength: Back Squat - :20 sec hold of weight then 1X8@65%, :15 sec hold then 1X6@75%, :10 sec hold then 1X4@85%, :05 sec hold then 1X4@90% – rest 2 minutes.General5/19 "Monday"Strength: 1) 15 minutes to establish a Max 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, High-Hang).General8/16 "5......."Strength: Three rounds of Gymnastics Work: 1) Weighted Pull-up 3-5 Reps, 2) 20-30 sec L-Sit Hold, 3) Weighted Dip 3-5 Reps, 4) 30 sec HS Hold or work free standing HS.GeneralprevNext