12/2 "Monday"Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Come work out tomorrow! WOD: 15 minute AMRAP of: 400m run 25 Jumping Squats, 45# bar 10 Strict Pullups Important member news! If you haven't already, please show some love for your home gym by voting for BCF as "Best Crossfit Gym"!! Also! The BCF christmas party is coming up! Dec.General11/29 "Friday"The WOD for tomorrow is TBD, but get ready to come in and work off those Thanksgiving food babies! Also, consumerism is overrated! Here is a list of 11 things you can do instead of black friday shopping.General11/28 "Thanksgiving"Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful that you are a part of Badger Crossfit! “Clovis” 10 mile run 150 burpee pullups Or, for the sane… For time: 3 Rounds 30 Situps 30 KBS (55/35) -then- 3 Rounds 20 Hang Power Cleans (135/95) 20 Wall Balls (20/14) -then- 3 Rounds 10 Thrusters (135/95) 10 MU or 20 Ring Dips -then- 3 Rounds 50 DU 5 Wall Climbs.General11/27 "Wednesday"Member Note: We got a few RX Bars in today and they've been added to the zen planner store! Feel free to purchase them there! We will process your payment within 2-3 business days, and put your completed order in the black cabinet located in the lounge area.General11/25 "Monday"WOD: "Bear Complex" 5 rounds of 7 sets of the following: Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Push Press.General11/26 "Tuesday"Note: We will no longer be posting the strength a day ahead of time, only the met-cons.GeneralprevNext