Thanksgiving Week UpdatesThe schedule is updated! We have the gym open from 8-10am on Thanksgiving Day! We have a large group doing "Clovis" starting at 8am sharp so please warmup BEFORE 8.General11/22 "Friday"With all the T2B/K2E we've done this week/are going to do tomorrow, you may have noticed areas where you are weak in these movements.General11/21 "Thursday"We want to be a gym that is always stressing form before weight.General11/20 "Wednesday"Looking for a serious Paleo holiday dish?> Strength: 1) 7x3 Push Jerk - heaviest possible.General11/19 "Tuesday"Strength: 1) 5X4/8 Front Squat/Back Squat @ 80% of 1RM Front Squat 2) :30 L-sit on pullup bar.General11/18 "Monday"Strength: 1) 7x1 Low Hang Snatch (2" from floor) Beginner: 3x5 Overhead Squat.GeneralprevNext