4/17 "Thursday"Member News: -Looking for Grass Fed Meats from a local vendor.General4/16 "Wednesday"Wednesday's Movements: Strength: Clean and Jerk WOD: Power Snatch, Burpee Box Jumps News: -There's been 2 open gym times added to calendar! Come in to make up bench mark WODS or 1RMS! Times/details are posted on the calendar! -Please take home any of your items in the lost and found! We'll be bringing them to Goodwill this week! If you didn't see Coach Troy's video post on the Facebook Page, check it out below.GeneralGrassFed Beef, Pork, Sausage, HamSteve from VDL is going to be in the area on Friday, April 25th and Saturday, April 26th and he's taking orders! If you are interested, you will go directly through him! You can shoot him an email at Steve@vdllimited.General4/15 "Tuesday"Tuesday's Movements: Strength: Snatch WOD: T2B, Push press, Air Squats A while back, CrossFit Invictus put out this great write-up on why misses occur in the snatch.General4/14 "Monday"Monday's Movements: Strength: Back Squat, Front Squat (or a missed 1rm from last week) WOD: Run and OH Squat (Nancy).General4/12 "Saturday"Saturday's Movements: Group Strength: turkish get-up WOD: Row, box jumps, OH squats Partner WOD: Row, Box Jumps, OH squats, run, walking lunges, HSPU -Those that want to drop-in on the Oly classes with Murph for these next 8 weeks, you can! It's $10/class.GeneralprevNext