8/30 "Saturday"Strength: Fitness: DB/KB Lunges, TGU Performance: Front Squat, Split Jerk WOD: Fitness: Row, Burpee, Box Jumps, V-ups/Tuck-ups Performance: HSPU, Ring Dip, C2B pullups.General8/27 "Wednesday"Strength Fitness: Deadlift, Strict Handstand Push-Ups, Straddle Leg Lifts Performance: Hang Clean, Clean WOD: Fitness: Ground to Shoulder, Run,Squat-Clean-Thruster-Slam-Balls (it’s a med ball clean with the slam ball but you thruster it up and slam it down) Performance: Russian Kettlebell Swings, 10 Walking Lunges with Kbs/Dbs, Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20).General8/26 "Tuesday"Overhead Squat Development! Strength Fitness: Pistols, Frog Stand, Windschield Wipers Performance: OHS, C2B Pullups WOD: Fitness: Thrusters, Pullups, Burpees Performance: Rowing, Double-unders, Muscle-ups.General8/20 "Wednesday"Strength: Fitness: Deadlift, Turkish Get-up, GHD sit ups Performance: Front Squat, Handstand Pushups WOD: Fitness: Kettlebell Swings, Hand Release Push-ups, Tall Box Jump Overs Performance: Row, Front Squats from the ground, Strict HSPU, Double-Unders, Unbroken Wall Ball Shots.General8/19 "Tuesday"Strength: Fitness: Front or Overhead Squats Weighted Pullups Wall Climbs Double-Under Practice OR Pistols Practice Performance: Power Clean WOD: Fitness: C2B Pullups, Wall Ball (20/14), Run Performance: Deadlifts, Cleans, Snatches, Pull-ups, chest-to-bar pull-ups, bar muscle-ups Troy's Squat Prescription: Write up and programming from Coach Troy If there’s one area where most of us typical crossfitters are deficient – it’s the squat.General8/18 "Monday"You only limit yourself if you think you can't do it.GeneralprevNext