10/24 "Friday"Are you getting the vitamin D that you need? Here's some more great information from SFH on why this is so important!> Fitness: Press and Push PressPerformance: Front Squat + Jerk complexWOD Fitness: Double-Unders Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20) Pullups Performance: Double-Unders, Pull-Ups, Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20), Push Press (115/75).General10/23 "Thursday"Strength Fitness: Bulgarian Split Squat, Seated Pike and Straddle Leg Lifts, Double Unders x 60 seconds Performance: Make up WOD Fitness: run, Wall Balls, GHD Situps Performance: “Burping Row” Row, burpees.General10/22 "Wednesday"Are you on Facebook? We have many groups on Facebook that you should be a part of for ease of communication.General10/20 SundayTHE BCF HALLOWEEN PARTY IS OCT 31st!!! ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE WELCOME! SEE SIDEBAR TO THE LEFT! Strength Fitness: Snatch Grip Push Press, Overhead Squat Strict Chinup PushupsPerformance: Snatch Balance + Hi Hang Snatch + SnatchWOD Fitness and Performance: Squat Cleans Ring Dips.General10/18 "Saturday"Please join us tomorrow for our FREE INTRO class.General10/16 WednesdayAmazing job to all who completed the Paleo Challenge! It was a long 30 days for some and not bad for others.GeneralprevNext