11/22 "Saturday"Strength: Fitness and Performance: Back Squats WOD: Fitness: T2B, thrusters, doubleunders Performance: T2B, front squat, pull-ups.General11/20 "Thursday"Strength: Fitness and Performance: Nose and toes handstand hold, Hollow rocks, Arch rocks, Plank hold, Shoulder bridge hold WOD: Fitness and Performance: KB swings, 1 arm Russian KB swings, KB Reverse Lunges _____________________ Member News: Please note that we will be taking all items in the Lost and Found basket to Goodwill this Friday! Don't forget about our Badger Christmas party, Friday, Dec.General11/18 "Tuesday"Congrats to Peter G on his 180# snatch PR! Strength: Fitness and Performance: Front Squat WOD: Fitness: Row, Medball Squat Jumps, Power Cleans Performance: Airdyne, Box Jump Overs, Clean News and Notes: Post about your PRs/accomplishments this past week on the boards between the bathrooms! From Endurance Coach Dan: Reminder: Endurance 5:46ish at the Petit Center.General11/15 "Saturday"John Heim with a 240# Clean and Jerk PR! Go Hard and Go Home The vast majority of your training time, regardless of your aim, should be spent at general physical preparation, embodied in simple couplets and triplets, strength training, and the occasional long-duration effort.General11/13 "Thursday"Strength Fitness and Performance: Bench Press Turkish Getup DB Rows WOD Fitness: Rowing Ring Pushups with pause at the top Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Performance: Rowing Ring Dips with 1 second pause at the top Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) Member News: BCF Jingle Bells Holiday/Christmas Party Once again BCF invites you to put the kettle bells down, grab a beverage and join your fellow athletes for a night of festive fun to support a great cause.General11/11 "Tuesday"Fitness and Performance: Hollow ups/Hollow Rocks Side Arch ups, thread the needles Arch ups, arch rocks, arch hold The Three Wisemen Tribute WOD “Jeremy” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 5 Hang Squat Snatch (Elite = 185/125 lbs, RX = 135/95 lbs, Scaled = 95/65 lbs) 10 Burpees Over the Barbell Rest 2 minutes, and then… “Ben” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 10 Power Cleans (Elite = 185/125 lbs, RX = 135/95 lbs, Scaled = 95/65 lbs) 20 Pull-Ups Rest 2 minutes, and then… “Beau” Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 15 Box Jump-Overs (Elite & RX = 24”/20”; Scaled – 24”/20” Step-Overs Allowed) 30 Wall Ball Shots (Elite & RX = 20/14 lbs; Scaled – 14/8 lbs) Why this Wod? "The Three Wise Men Veterans Day Tribute seeks to launch a national movement to bring communities together on Veterans Day to honor those who survived their combat experience but have come home and are struggling.GeneralprevNext