7/30 "Tuesday"Strength: Back Squat: 1X10@60%, 1X8@65%, 1X6@70%, 1X6@75%, 1X6@80% – rest two minutes.General7/29 "motivational monday"Strength: 1) 15 minutes to establish a 3RM Pause Snatch (pause three counts at the bottom of the knee).General7/26 "Friday"“You will never be as young as you are right now.General7/25 "Thursday"Thinking about amping up your oly lifting game? Check out this great overview of lifting shoes.General7/24 "Wednesday""It's amazing how important sleep is to your recovery and your health.General7/22 "Recipe of the week"Quick Lunch Ideas: Fast Tuna Salad: -Canned Tuna (If you’re doing this paleo thing make sure your tuna doesn’t have soy sauce in it!) -Mustard (again, if serious about paleo make sure there is no sugar in your mustard) -Any assortment of vegetables! I like mine with celery, cucumbers, avocado, green olives, shredded carrots, yellow peppers, and purple onions.Healthy RecipesprevNext