7/23 "...That Dark Place"The dark place is the place you go when you push past all of the mental barriers and all of the little gremlins telling you can’t into a new frontier of pain, mental toughness, and overall performance.General7/22 "Motivation Monday"Strength: Back Squat 1X10@60%, 1X8@70%, 1X6@75%, 1X4@80%-rest 2 minutes *Perform 5 HSPU (or :15 sec HS hold) and 10 hip extensions after each set.General7/19 "Friday"Strength: 12 minutes to establish a Max 3-Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, High-Hang).General7/18 "Thursday"Strength: Bench Press, 10 x 60%, 5 x 70%, 3 x 80%, Max reps x 90%.General7/17 Wednesday"It's not the daily increase but daily decrease.General7/16 "Tuesday""CrossFit has become a workout phenomenon over the last couple years.GeneralprevNext