1/21 WOD: Deceptively tough^Perfect for getting into the front rack as well.WODs1/22 WOD: 1RM FSWe test 1RMs on a frequent basis and we operate in the 3-5 week cycle, meaning that we are always ready to lift heavy at pretty much any moment.WODs1/20 WOD: PartnerPartner: 2 Rounds for Time: 1200 M Row 50 Partner Wall Balls 10 Wall Walks 4 Rope Climbs Cash Out: 30 partner burpees Comp: A.WODs1/18 WOD: "Helen"Benchmarks!!! We rotate them every 3 months here at BCF to gauge our fitness and it's incredible to see the ongoing excellence we have in the gym.WODs1/17 WOD: Step up...ALWAYS!!! You cannot move forward with intensity if you don't have the form.WODs1/16 WOD: Death by core...READ: The 10 Things that Happen When You Begin CrossFit Speed or form, which is more important? The answer is they are equal! We want you to go as fast as you can while keeping full range of motion (ROM).WODsprevNext