5/17 "Abbate"Strength: N/A WOD: "ABBATE" 1mile run, 21 clean and jerks, 800m run, 21 clean and jerks, 1 mile run (does not have to be squat clean) RX: 155/105 L3:135/95 L2: 95/65 L1: 65/45 U.General5/16Strength: Push Press: 4x3 - heaviest possible, rest :90 WOD: AMRAP 5 5 power snatch (95/65), 15 double-unders.General5/14A note from Coach Tyler: "One of the main things we hear from people starting with us or CrossFit in general is that they were afraid to try because they hear how hard it is.General5/15Strength: 5 sets of MAX Strict Pullups.General5/13 "Motivation Monday"This Weeks Skill: Agility Ladder: 1.General5/10Strength: 7x3 banded Deadlift @ 60% + 20% band (small for < 200# on bar, medium if > 200# on bar) WOD: AMRAP 12 of 7 dumbell hang cleans (50/35), 7 HSPU [learn_more caption="NEWS"] Congrats to coach tyler who recently received his CF Kids certification! Look out for cross fit kids, coming soon.GeneralprevNext