10/7 and 10/8 "Mon and Tues"If you become sore, listen to your body! You can ALWAYS make these up another day or even next week.General10/3 "Thursday"Strength: 1) Front Squat 3RM 2) Paused front squat 3x3 80-85% WOD: 1000m row 50 thrusters (45/35) 50 burpees 800m run [learn_more caption="NEWS"] Up for new Reebok Nanos? Want some swag? We will be making a large order.General10/4 "Friday"3x5 - heaviest possible WOD: "The Chief" AMRAP 3 3 Power cleans 135/95 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1 minute.General10/2 'Wednesday"Strength: 1) Bench Press - 3x10 - heaviest possible.General10/1 "Tuesday"Strength: 1)a) Back Squat 5x5 @ 80% , then no rest to b.General9/30 "Monday"Strength: 1) In 10 minutes find Paused Snatch heavy single, then 2x2 @ 90% 2) In 10 minutes find Paused Clean & Jerk heavy single, then 2x(2+1) @ 90% Notes: Two second pause just below knees.GeneralprevNext