10/16 "Wednesday"Strength: 15 minutes to work up to near maximal push press + push jerk + split jerk from blocks/rack Wod: 5 rounds of 12 20" barbell box Step-ups (95/65#) Front Rack 15 KB wings (55/35) 30 lateral bar hops Going hard in a work out is not the most fun thing in the world, so why do we do it? Because it’s cool? Because we like making sweat angels on the floor after a workout? You are getting warmer! The number one reason for going hard is the results we see from doing so! Want to burn fat? High intensity.General10/15 "Tuesday"Strength: 1)Back Squat 1X5@60, 1X3@70%, 1X2@80%, 1X2@90%, 1X1@95% 2) Hollow rocks for 20 reps.General10/14 "motivation monday"Strength: 15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch + Hang Snatch + OHS WOD: EMOM for 10 minutes (beginning @ 0:00): 10 Burpees After completing 10 Burpees, with the remainder of the minute complete ME dumbell snatches (50/35) [learn_more caption="NEWS"].General10/11 "Friday"Strength: Find 1RM dead lift(or make up previous) WOD: "DT" 5 rounds of 12 dead lift, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks(155/105) We're going digital! If you didn't see the email that was sent out by Tyler we need ALL current members to please fill out our online Waiver! The deadline to do this is Friday, Oct.General10/10 "thursday"Watch this and get off your booty.General10/9 "Wednesday"Strength: Find 1RM Front Squat (Or make up previous.GeneralprevNext